5 måter å rydde opp på datamaskinen med et automatisert script [Windows]
![5 måter å rydde opp på datamaskinen med et automatisert script [Windows] / Windows](http://ephesossoftware.com/img/images_16/5-ways-to-clean-up-your-computer-with-an-automated-script-[windows].png)
Datamaskinvedlikehold er ikke akkurat noe som folk flest husker å gjøre. For den generelle brukeren som ikke er akkurat teknisk kunnskapsrik, når en datamaskin ikke fungerer, kan de enten ringe for hjelp eller bare kjøpe en ny datamaskin.
Hvis du har familiemedlemmer eller venner som alltid ringer deg for hjelp med en treg datamaskin, skal jeg tilby deg en løsning som du kan bruke til å stoppe disse telefonsamtaler akkurat nå. Denne løsningen inneholder seks verktøy i et Windows-skript. Det skriptet skal utføre alt PC opprydding arbeidet du ville gjøre hvis du satt rett foran datamaskinen selv.
Hva dette skriptet vil utføre
Dette Windows-skriptet skal kjøre de nødvendige verktøyene i kommandolinjemodus. Mange av disse verktøyene du har brukt i årevis, har du kanskje ikke engang innsett det der er en kommandolinjemodus tilgjengelig.
Oppryd Registry & Temp Mapper
Det første trinnet er trolig det viktigste. Vi skal starte CCleaner i kommandolinjemodus for å rydde opp tempfiler og registret.
En fangst. For å få dette skriptet til å fungere uten konstante varsler om appene som gjør datamaskinen endringer, må du deaktivere brukerkontokontrollvinduets funksjon i Windows 7.
Nå er du klar til å rulle. Opprett en fil som heter CleanComputer.wsf og start den av med følgende skript.
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim WshShell
Dim retVal
set WshShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.run "CCleaner.exe /AUTO"
Danny covered CCleaner Optimize Your System To Run At Its Best With CCleaner Optimize Your System To Run At Its Best With CCleaner Over the last two years, CCleaner has changed quite a bit in terms of version numbers… up now to version 3.10 at the time of this writing. While visually the program actually hasn't changed much (it's… Read More recently, so you can see just what it is capable of and how much it can optimize your system. When you launch it in the script as shown above with the /AUTO flag, it'll run invisible and it'll use the settings you used when you last ran the application. You'll see CCleaner.exe running in the Task Manager.
If you configure CCleaner beforehand, in auto mode it'll automatically clean up temporary files, log files and your registry as well.
Clean Up Spyware
Next up is to take care of any spyware that might be running on the PC. My favorite tool for that is Spybot, and luckily Spybot also offers a command line feature. The one problem here is that the path to Spybot is full of spaces, which is hard to handle in a Windows Script shell command.
So, create a .bat file with the following:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SpybotSD.exe" /taskbarhide /autocheck /autofix /autoclose
Save it as SpyBot.bat in the same directory as your Windows script. Then in the next line of your WSF file, add the following:
WshShell.run "spybot.bat"
Your Windows Script will launch your batch job that will launch Spybot in command-line mode. You will know it's running when the Exe appears in the task manager.
Those four parameters after the spybotsd.exe file will run Spybot in silent mode, automatically remove any spyware found, and then automatically close.
Remove Malicious Software
In addition to anything Spybot catches, I also like to run the Microsoft Malicious Software removal tool. Download the executable from the “Microsoft Download Center” section, save it in your script directory as “malremove.exe” and then add the following line to your growing Windows Script.
WshShell.run "malremove.exe /Q /F:Y"
The /Q command tells the malware removal tool to run in quiet mode (no interface) and /F:Y tells it to forcibly remove any malware that it finds without any intervention required. The first time you run it during your initial testing, you'll have to select the option for no warning the next time it runs.
Here it is running in the background.
So, we've covered most of what you'd probably do if you were there in person - run CCleaner to get rid of temporary Internet files and other temp files, remove spyware and malware, so what's left?
Automate Disk Cleanup
Another common tool that can help computer performance is the Windows Disk Cleanup tool. First you have to set it up. Go to Start -> Run and type: “cleanmgr /sageset:1“. The following window will appear.
Set up the items that you'd like your command line to automatically clean, and then click OK. This tells it that whenever you choose /sageset:1, to utilize the settings you've just created. Now, in your Windows Script, add the following line.
WshShell.run "Cleanmgr /sagerun:1"
This will run the Windows disk cleanup silently, using the settings you've just created. You can also install the latest Windows updates by first installing WuInstall.exe and adding this line.
WshShell.run "wuinstall.exe /install /reboot_if_needed"
And don't forget to do a quick defrag of the hard drive by adding the following lines to the script.
WshShell.run “Defrag volume c:”
WshShell.run "Defrag volume d:"
Automate Virus Scan After Cleanup
Last, but definitely not least, you'll also want to end your script by firing off a full virus scan. For example, I use Kaspersky, which offers its own set of command line parameters.
In my case, I just add the following final line to my script.
WshShell.run "AVP.exe SCAN /ALL /i4"
And that kicks off the command window and runs through a full scan (which can take several hours).
Most other anti-virus providers out there offer similar command-line options.
So, once you've added all of these lines, close out your Windows Script.
Når du har fullført prosedyren ovenfor og lagret filen på PCen, må du bare planlegge jobben til å kjøre regelmessig (/ Tilbehør / Systemverktøy / Oppgaveplanlegger). Gi prosedyren over et forsøk og se hvor godt det fungerer for deg.
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Bilde Kreditt: Shutterstock
Utforsk mer om: Computer Automation, Computer Maintenance, Programmering.